March 2023 |

Today’s good news is that you are blessed to be a blessing. We live in the world’s wealthiest nation. But all around us, people are living desperate lives – whether they are homeless on America’s streets, trapped in poverty, or working but barely making ends meet. Even worse, too many of the poor are children living without hope through no fault of their own.
God’s word in Matthew 25 reminds us that how we treat the poor and vulnerable is how we treat God. We cannot say we love God and ignore the poor and hurting. You may not be wealthy, but if you make a decent living, God's word calls you to help someone worse off than you. You could donate to a local House of Worship that feeds the poor or to a Food Bank. You can also vote in the next election for leaders you believe will help lift people out of poverty–because you are blessed to be a blessing!
That's today's good news!
Join me each month in the Good News Corner with Dr. Williams-Skinner.