June 13, 2023 | www.barbarawilliams-skinner.com

Our Lord our God, how excellent and majestic is your name in all the earth! Today, we draw near your throne of grace for the mercy and strength we need in these turbulent times. You promised Lord God, to bless the nations whose God is the Lord---nations that put people over politics, care for the vulnerable over greed, and respect for the Rule of Law over lawlessness for the sake of sustaining power. But today, O Lord, we see the foundations of law and order collapsing under the weight of cult-like obedience to an evil, self-absorbed, fear and hating-mongering leader for sustaining white minority rulership.
So, we cry to you, Lord God, against whose power and might none can withstand, that you would sustain this imperfect union called America and the democracy so long promised to all. We confess the role we have all played in failing to keep your commands to pray mightily for leaders of every political persuasion that we might have peace in our land. We cry out today, in the words of the prophet Daniel: “O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules.” (Daniel 9:4-5).
Today, Lord God, give us the strength, resilience, and tenacity to “pray without ceasing” for our nation and its leaders. You, O God, are the only one who can judge and take power away from some and give it to others. So, we pray that you would raise up high character, high integrity, prophetic leaders who model your love for all people to take their place in public squares across this nation, that righteousness, justice, and truth would reign in America to your glory. In your mighty name, we pray, Lord God, AMEN.